- DDOS防御20G
- CPU:E5 2620*2
- 内存(RAM):32G
- 硬盘(DISK):1T HDD
- 带宽(Bandwidth):100M(不限流量)
- IP地址(IP address):1IP
- 价格: 1700.00 元/月
DDoS防御20G服务器是一款专为客户提供强大的防御性能而设计的高性能服务器。通过采用双路E5 2620处理器、32GB内存和1TB硬盘,以及100M不限流量带宽,该服务器提供可靠的防御能力,有效应对大规模分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击。我们的产品具备美国服务器的优势,同时提供免费真机测试和不满意不收费的保障,确保您的在线业务稳定安全。
1. 强大的防御性能:DDoS防御20G服务器针对DDoS攻击提供高达20G的防御能力,确保您的服务器和在线服务不受攻击影响。
2. 高性能硬件配置:采用双路E5 2620处理器和32GB内存,为您提供卓越的计算能力和系统响应速度,确保服务器在高负载环境下保持稳定。
3. 大容量存储空间:配备1TB的硬盘,提供足够的存储空间来存储您的数据和应用程序,满足您的业务需求。
4. 宽带无限流量:拥有100M的带宽,不限流量,确保您的服务器始终保持流畅的网络连接和高速数据传输。
5. 美国服务器优势:该服务器位于美国数据中心,享有美国服务器的稳定性和可靠性,为您的业务提供全球范围的可访问性和快速响应。
6. 免费真机测试:我们提供免费真机测试,让您在购买前亲自体验我们的产品性能和防御能力,确保您的满意度。
7. 不满意不收费:我们对产品质量和客户满意度有着高要求,如果您对我们的产品不满意,我们将不收取任何费用,以确保您的权益和信任。
Product Description:
Product Name: DDoS Defense 20G Server
product description:
DDoS defense 20G server is a high-performance server designed to provide customers with powerful defense performance. By adopting dual-channel E5 2620 processors, 32GB memory and 1TB hard disk, and 100M unlimited traffic bandwidth, the server provides reliable defense capabilities and can effectively deal with large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Our products have the advantages of US servers, and at the same time provide free real machine testing and the guarantee of no charge for dissatisfaction, to ensure the stability and safety of your online business.
1. Strong defense performance: DDoS defense 20G servers provide up to 20G defense capabilities against DDoS attacks, ensuring that your servers and online services are not affected by attacks.
2. High-performance hardware configuration: It adopts dual-channel E5 2620 processors and 32GB memory to provide you with excellent computing power and system response speed, ensuring that the server remains stable under high-load environments.
3. Large-capacity storage space: Equipped with a 1TB hard disk, it provides enough storage space to store your data and applications to meet your business needs.
4. Broadband unlimited traffic: With 100M bandwidth and unlimited traffic, it ensures that your server always maintains a smooth network connection and high-speed data transmission.
5. U.S. server advantage: The server is located in the U.S. data center and enjoys the stability and reliability of the U.S. server, providing global accessibility and fast response for your business.
6. Free real machine test: We provide free real machine test, allowing you to personally experience our product performance and defense capabilities before purchasing to ensure your satisfaction.
7. No charge for dissatisfaction: We have high requirements for product quality and customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with our products, we will not charge any fees to ensure your rights and trust.
Prices and Ordering:
The price of the DDoS defense 20G server is 1700.00 yuan per month. You can order this product through our online ordering system or by contacting our sales team. We will ensure that your server is deployed and started in the shortest possible time, and provide round-the-clock technical support to ensure the continuous operation and security protection of your online business.
DDoS Defense 20G Server is a high-performance server designed to protect your online business from DDoS attacks. have a strong defense against
DDoS防禦20G服務器是一款專為客戶提供強大的防禦性能而設計的高性能服務器。通過採用雙路E5 2620處理器、32GB內存和1TB硬盤,以及100M不限流量帶寬,該服務器提供可靠的防禦能力,有效應對大規模分佈式拒絕服務(DDoS)攻擊。我們的產品具備美國服務器的優勢,同時提供免費真機測試和不滿意不收費的保障,確保您的在線業務穩定安全。
1. 強大的防禦性能:DDoS防禦20G服務器針對DDoS攻擊提供高達20G的防禦能力,確保您的服務器和在線服務不受攻擊影響。
2. 高性能硬件配置:採用雙路E5 2620處理器和32GB內存,為您提供卓越的計算能力和系統響應速度,確保服務器在高負載環境下保持穩定。
3. 大容量存儲空間:配備1TB的硬盤,提供足夠的存儲空間來存儲您的數據和應用程序,滿足您的業務需求。
4. 寬帶無限流量:擁有100M的帶寬,不限流量,確保您的服務器始終保持流暢的網絡連接和高速數據傳輸。
5. 美國服務器優勢:該服務器位於美國數據中心,享有美國服務器的穩定性和可靠性,為您的業務提供全球範圍的可訪問性和快速響應。
6. 免費真機測試:我們提供免費真機測試,讓您在購買前親自體驗我們的產品性能和防禦能力,確保您的滿意度。
7. 不滿意不收費:我們對產品質量和客戶滿意度有著高要求,如果您對我們的產品不滿意,我們將不收取任何費用,以確保您的權益和信任。